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Re: Trying to stay Sane

What a lovely gesture @Emelia8 *slurp,

Thank you, delicious 😁

Off to a meeting with he taem in Canada. They're a bit cute including Li'l ol me. Guess I'll just be a bum.on seat mostly. Then a couple of urgents. Then the day off I think. Not up to it today. How did you wake up feelimg hun? 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Morning @Anastasia 

Hope you slept ok ok last night and have woken okayish.

I like the idea that you are going to visit your parents after your morning meeting. You'll feel so  muc better just being with your Dad and finding oit

more details. I'll be thinking of you.



Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hope the team meeting goes okay @Anastasia and you can get the urgent stuff out of the way quickly.


Woke up tired, as usual. But the fact I woke up, means I was actually asleep. 😄 I got a few broken hours thru the night.


Ive just been to the community kitchen a few doors up from my room to toast my bread. Like many places now, no toasters in rooms. Fire risk perhaps, or set off smoke alarm? Anyway the kitchen is nice and well equipped ... and deserted of other people when I was there.


So Im sitting up in bed having my half vegemite and half honey on toast. Very spoilt. Just put jug on and will have a nice cuppa, take my little white cancer pill and relax for a while.


I found my room phone this morning. Didnt know I had one until cancer institute asked for my room phone number. I dont expect they will need to reach me here, unless there is a late apt change or delay. But they have my mobile anyway.


Okay, I hope you manage to get away from work fairly quickly. And that you have some time for yourself and/or your Dad this arvo.


Kettle is boiled. Do you need a second, or are you on your way to work by now?


Hi @WIP how are you doing this morning? 🌷


Emelia 💞

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hi Em @Emelia8 


So glad you got some sleep last night.  I did too actually, the first night in a while since I knocked my head.  It's been too sore to sleep on that side (which is the usual side I sleep on of course).  An extra tablet last night, might have helped a my sleep too...


You sound quite settled in your accomodation which is very pleasing to hear.


I'm okayish this morning thanks.  I have my pdoc appt in 1 hour.  I decided to make it Teleheath and not go into the hospital for his appointment or participate in the DBT program.  My face looks hideous, and I think I did suffer a slight concusion - my concentration is off, and I'm still having headaches.  Anyway, the nerves are starting to build up, as I'm 'breaking up' with the pdoc today.  I just need to remain calm and be assertive when telling him.


I hope your treatment goes as best it can for you Em.  Will be thinking of you.


WIP xx

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Hello to my two lovlies this morning @Emelia8 @WIP 

I will join you now...meeting went well 🙂

Had camera disabled as haven't even done my hair this morning!!!

I am glad you managed some sleep Em, I slept the best I have in a while as I took something to help. 

Your accommodation sounds good Em, most reception placed don't open till 830am so you'll probly have peace until then 🙂

I will hold you in my heart this morning L and know that whilst the "break up" is distressing (but I take my hat off to yu) you won't have to deal with him again *woot woot 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

I can understand your decision not to attend apt in person @WIP . Good you got a bit of sleep last night. Sounds the the effects of your head knock are beginning to reduce. The bruising will take much longer. 😔


Stay calm and hold your resolve regarding your pdoc bust-up. You are doing the right thing. You owe him nothing. Be strong.


Im sorry you are unable to attend the DBT session. Was the facilitator understanding? I dont suppose you can do it online somehow?


I look forward to hearing how your day has gone, in due course.


Emelia 💞

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Gear your meeting went well. Gotta love being able to have remote meetings with the camera off these days. You must have just rolled out of bed and headed straight to the computer, with coffee in hand 😉


Its not right that I feel nervous leading up to each time I have a pdoc appointment - I should be looking forward to meeting with him. as he will be helping me with my problems, not actually feeling as though he is contributing to them. And that's how I've been feeling about him for ages. So, anyway, he'll be part of my past very soon. I'm sh!t scared about the appt, but at least it's not F2F as it was going to be.


@Anastasia @Emelia8  Ladies, my face is worse this morning! The bruise under my left eye (they one that was more swollen) has spread even further. I look like I've been bashed up & it's not doing much for my self confidence. It'll be a week tomorrow since I hit my head, and I'm still suffering bad headaches and where I hit my forehead is still sore to touch. 
I'm lathering bruise cream on throughout the day, but it's not doing anything.  Im finding it all a bit traumatic to be honest. Nothing in comparison to what you've got going on, but I can't help it.



Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Emelia8 I spoke to the instructor yesterday morning and she actually thought it would be best if I didn't attend. She highlighted that I'd probably struggle with concentrating for 3 hours, and she's right!

she appreciated me thinking of the other participants and it may be distressing for them, and actually agreed.

so, she sent the handouts through, along with links to 3 videos that they'll be watching in class.


I don't feel that I'm missing out this week, as I can do it all on my own remotely - when I'm up to concentrating of course 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Ahhh @Anastasia ... meeting over already! An early start. What is the time difference for Canada?


So pleased you got some sleep, even if it was assisted.


Yes the accomm is good. It feels safe here and I dont feel constantly on edge or too vulnerable.


I suppose I should get up and begin to make a move. Shower, change and be ready to wander across for my treatment. They like you there 10 mins prior to apt, so 9.30am. And by the time you get through all the covid screening, its time anyway.


Not planning to do much today. Will come back here after treatment, and maybe 'read' an audiobook.


Emelia 🌺

Re: Trying to stay Sane

@WIP yes you got it with the roll out of bed scenario haha

I just have to make a phone call so will be off air for a bit but will come back to respond properly to you then L, by then you will likely be in appointment Good Luck hunny, chat after?
