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Re: 23 year old son

How are things @lovemyboys? Any more trouble? Hoping not. 

Re: 23 year old son

@soul not that I know of

Re: 23 year old son

Hi @lovemyboys - hope your life is currently drama free. Read that your son is getting tests done. Hope it's nothing serious that will affect his sporting career. Are you taking care of yourself as well?

Re: 23 year old son

Hey @soul We're not sure what it is yet. He collapsed on Thursday and hit his head on the way down, which triggered a multitude of other issues. Waiting to hear if it is serious.
Trying to take care of myself as best I can 😀

Re: 23 year old son

That's no good @lovemyboys. I hope everything will turn out alright. Must be worrying.

Re: 23 year old son

They did tests then sent him home @soul then got a phone call yesterday to say he is back in there

Re: 23 year old son

Oh no. That doesn't sound good. Is he staying in whilst they try to find out what is going on?

Re: 23 year old son

Yes and they are keeping an eye on him @soul
Not applicable

Re: 23 year old son

Hello @lovemyboys

How are you going?  Just checking in to see how your son is doing now as well? 🤗

Re: 23 year old son

Hi @lovemyboys How are you ?

I have been reading these very supportive messages from first: amazing @Former-Member then @soul then @Shaz51 @outlander @Appleblossom and at the very beginning from @Former-Member......

 I really like what @Former-Member writes of your son having a delayed reaction to his brother's death......

But it's so hard to pin piont if you know what I mean.I like how @Lunar writes about him keeping busy so he doesn't have to deal with things and about you staying calm. 

Calm is good. 

When My 27 year old son turned 20 years old, he suffered his first breakdown/ Psychotic break and ended up in a locked ward.....Fortunately I was doing some pretty intense volunteer work in the state I live in in Mental Health so I had  much support phone wise when I flew over to visit him as he lives on the other side of Australia than me......I live in WEstern Australia. 

My oldest son was having memories of his terrible Father abusing me and other times of....his father's terrible abuse. When I got to the Psych ward, he says " Mum, I remember what Dad did to you." I said "But that was never your fault. 

We can support you through this time but remember the most important person in this journey is YOU. It's terribly hard to acknowledge that but remeber for writing down your own time out scedule.





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