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Re: Art Club

Onya @Gremlin24 @Oaktree @rav3n @Arbie_wun @Spike2503 


not doing lotsa visual art atm


but def appreciate the doing of…. And the looking at….


can you believe I did postgrad at snooty uni in writing? Lol


claiming the right to keep it simple and a bit cazual

Peer Support Worker

Re: Art Club

@Gremlin24 omg that's happened to me so many times too, wish those pens were smudge-proof!!


@Appleblossom oh wow what sort of writing did you enjoy doing? like poetry? short stories? 

Re: Art Club



I did poetry and a grief thesis 


guess I value life writing 


I may get back to it 


doing more music atm


maybe writing next year 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Art Club

@Appleblossom poetry and grief thesis sounds really interesting!! it sounds like quite a heavy subject area too, but definitely very meaningful. what sort of music are you working on at the moment? do you play instruments?

Re: Art Club

@rav3n it was only a gel pen so I shouldn't have used it but I couldn't be bothered getting up at the time to get a proper one. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: Art Club

ohh i see! @Gremlin24  there's been times when i've written cards or drawn something in gel pen... and then the things i drew/wrote get imprinted onto my hand and spread onto other parts of the paper 😬  its so hard to be patient with the gel and let it dry fully sometimes!

Re: Art Club

@rav3n i have that problem every night when I use them to colour. Don't know why they can't just dry super fast 😂.

Peer Support Worker

Re: Art Club

ugh i know right!! feels like we need to use gel pens under a fan or something @Gremlin24 i used to have instant dry gel pens (in black though)... it was not instant enough for me 😅

Re: Art Club

@rav3n even sitting under my aircon they don't dry quick enough 😂. Instant still isn't quick enough, like it's gotta be dry before it hits the paper 😂

Peer Support Worker

Re: Art Club

haha EXACTLY how dare they call that 'instant'!? 😆 @Gremlin24 guess its the same with instant noodles and stuff, they say 'instant' yet it takes me at least 5 mins to get it ready. 

i reckon 'instant-if-you-have-patience' gel pens would be a more accurate label