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Re: Hobbies and Projects

Oh wow @Bow that's incredible, I love it!

Re: Hobbies and Projects

@Bow oh my gosh this is AMAZING!! love the lil details, that cards arch on top 😍

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Thanks @rav3n @Ru-bee 


@rav3n  this is the old book project I was talking about…, but I’m sure you figured that out. 

I also made these today… little books. About 7x5cm with blank pages. Could do anything with them I guess. Might make some more and see if they sell at market… we have booked in for our first market back this Sunday. 


Re: Hobbies and Projects

woah love the rainbow beetle ? i'm not sure if i got the bug right but either way, love the colour choice! @Former-Member 

Not applicable

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Thanks @rav3n 

Re: Hobbies and Projects

@Bow yesss i had a feeling this was the one you mentioned before!


oo my fav has to be the floral one! those would make nice lil journals/diaries or even art book to practice some sketches.

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Yes I like how the floral one turned out @rav3n  i don’t have much scrapbooking paper at home, so might pop down to spotlight tomorrow and see what they have.  D wants me to make her one, so I suggested that we sit down and make one together cause they aren’t too difficult to make. D has been making these paper hand puppet type dragon things all week. She is obsessed with dragons. She is very crafty too…. But terrible at cleaning up her mess! 😩

Re: Hobbies and Projects

making one together sounds so wholesome!!! @Bow  ooo wonder what sparked D's interest in dragons, pretty cool though! i remember trying to make hand puppets in school - definitely was not easy and VERY messy indeed. cleaning up after creating a masterpiece feels wrong 😂


also i finally tried a paint by numbers yesterday! i have no idea how you do it because i lost my patience 1 minute into it. but definitely felt proud of myself for finishing it off.

Re: Hobbies and Projects

No idea what sparked her interest in dragons @rav3n but she started reading the wings of fire books and she has most of those books now. 

what kind of paint by number did you do? They can definitely be fiddly! 

Re: Hobbies and Projects

oo what a coincidence, i heard some kids talking about those books a few weeks ago! i'm guessing there's a pretty big fan base for the series that i didn't know about @Bow 


my sister and our friend just went kmart and grabbed the first one we saw, here's our finished piece (the last one with the budgie is the one i tried). was surprised that these needed more than 2 layers of paint to cover the lil numbers. 

