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Re: Tabaluga's

What a lucky cat @TAB he does good survival! Just cleaning he kitchen and throwing out garbage. Weighed myself on scales and have lost weight. Less inclination for comfort eating afterwards. I think the Biofield frequencies must have healed my chakras and energy field. Noticed Doreen Virtue mention the same thing about her chakras before she renounced the New Age. I was doing other chakra balancing with solfeggio hertz frequencies and a new shamanic technique for my luminous energy field but nothing quite came close to Biofield healing.  My "energy template" feels more intact and I feel like everything is more integrated. Overall I feel more happy, calm and at peace with myself which is a real plus. I don't think I will buy the Biofield app as its so expensive and going by reviews poor customer service. There still might be some free features but the shamanic practice I got from a shaman/anthropologist seems to confer similiar benefits although not as intense

Re: Tabaluga's

@SmilingGecko I was talking to a horse trainer and she uses the skills of a Horse Whisperer Communicator that does Chakra healing.

She does people as well. I’m so going to get some.

On that note I’m going to book a Hot Stone massage.


Re: Tabaluga's

It will be good for you. Trauma can disrupt the chakra system and aura. By clearing debris and sealing these energy centres you can enjoy greater wellbeing and improvement in your sense of self and relationship to others @Glisten

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

thats good you're feeling better @SmilingGecko  yes, @StuF  noticed cat has been around more. I tried to go for a nap just now, when got up was cat tail poking around back door so it was hanging around. it refused fresh cooked lamb roast  and wanted to be let out front door, so house full of lies now lol honestly thing shower like said was going to and  go back to bed again lol. just saw bin outside from yest morn , ha guess doesnt matter if Im home re 'invitations to crooks' lol 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB @StuF hey cool friends, StuF, enjoy footy. Tabby enjoy nap. Just had eye test. May have early glaucoma ha

Re: Tabaluga's

Oh thats no good @Meowmy sorry to hear regarding your early glaucoma. I need my eyes tested with diabetes and past issues with BP. I hope you get the treatment you need.  Youve also had that cancer screen the other day. I was told to have a screen but have elected not to do it. I don't wear deodorant which can accumulate in your lymph causing cancer. I used to use a crystal stick as deodorant which is safer ❤️

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

I've been worried about glaucoma for years w weight, not happened yet @Meowmy  got cataracts starting in one eye 

maybe we could get eye patches ha

Re: Tabaluga's

Ooh @Glisten 


A hot stone massage sounds just the thing 

Re: Tabaluga's

@TAB hey tabby, think not glaucoma yet for me. Just need regular check up ha ha. Home now. Think nap soon

Hope you're okay


Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

got a bit careless w cat hair trimming @Meowmy  cut my finger tip. after taking supplements to thin blood lol re heart ha ha

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