26-03-2025 02:25 AM
26-03-2025 02:25 AM
he's a cute redhead 🙂
I love him. Thanks for the pictures. Amazing. Cute. And lovely
I like your wooden floors also 🙂
The place looks great and your cat is a star!
26-03-2025 02:41 AM
26-03-2025 02:41 AM
yes, housing is out of control @EternalFlower I know someone who lives a street back from a beach that rich people decided they liked. it used to feature in national newspapers etc. they bought the place early 70s for $2000 which is about what a factory worker would have got a year then. now they are looking to sell for over a million. my parents bought early 70s as inflation was kicking off. after a couple years think father earned the price of the house in 12 months as an unskilled labourer on a local council sewage scheme. by then he had already got a few years rent from tenants before we moved in. Siblings and others I know that are well off have one thing in common. most years of the adult life they did not pay rent. and when they had investment houses the govt subsided them. anyhoo.
yes , cat sleeps indoors during the day mostly. he is inside atm after being away all day today.he is getting fat. think he has another home lol. ie gets fed more than what I give it. which is too much anyways. person I know was in low paid sales job. they always paid lots in rent, like more than half their wage since I knew them. they lost their job recently. life not much fun for them atm. looking at becoming homeless as on centrelink now and that only covers rent, not food or bills.
26-03-2025 02:50 AM
26-03-2025 02:50 AM
LOL at your cat having another home.
He knows what he's doing !
I think the rental market is a little wild but I am taking a backwards approach
I'm just still going to look in the area I want and try find a place and accept it is what it is.
I feel I've spent so much on my mental health and feeling lost etc having a home is so central.
I like my friends in the area and get visitors frequently but I still wish to move.
26-03-2025 02:51 AM
26-03-2025 02:51 AM
yes, he's a cutie @EternalFlower he has socks as well as friend pointed out. they also said cos he is attractive he can live where he wants re multiple owners. think they were talking about themselves there lol.
yes, baltic pine is what they call the floorboards. house was built for govt in 1954. i paid $140k for it almost 2 years ago now. its tiny and not very practical with layout and ventilation, but thats being picky. main bedroom, lounge and kitchen are okay and thats where I spend most of time.
26-03-2025 03:04 AM
26-03-2025 03:04 AM
oh ,cat was wild or acted it when first saw it, then started feeding it til it was sitting waiting for food one day. he's only getting used to being picked up now. and is getting way more playful as getting older (friend says its cos he feels safe now)
99% of time when cat disappears its into same backyard adjoining mine.
up that was what I got coached to do when looking for house @EternalFlower re backwards approach ie decide on area and price range and be prepared to compromise.
I could throw up if worked out how much money I have spent in last 2 years. spent '000s getting front teeth fixed after a fall, and went to someone really out of the way as I was som put off by dentist I had seen locally. then I found free dental by accident. just register, then say in pain, get approval, get appointment and out of pocket was capped at like $70 so I save hundreds already. and with state of my teeth will save a lot more. Swings and roundabouts I guess. I drove over 400kms like 20x to go to course , thought oh well at least can claim on tax. not working tho, der .. so its straight from my pocket.
I pretty much had a job through course at least once, but in Adelaide . I wouldnt have been making any money, as would have had to get accom there.but would have been a foot in the door and a path to WFH, someone who was on same course already had a job before qualified, but once they were , they let him work remotely .so they live on a boat on an island now ha ha. they suggested that I could 'do the hard yards' to get my foot in the door.
I didnt know what to do with cat either, was stressing, it was doing my head in, so just didnt go for interview. have read that other people on here moved to country for lower rents
26-03-2025 03:20 AM
26-03-2025 03:20 AM
Hi @TAB I think it's working out really well for u....I see Ur point about how sometimes things work out in weird ways
I became maybe religious or spiritual in a weird way after I moved as I felt so lost and wandered what it had all been for....I regretting moving...but u never know how things will go. Lots of good came of the move.
It feels to me like I read stories of people moving further out for better bang for their buck with rentals
Quality of life is worth it for me, and maybe community...feeling safe in accommodation. That's hard to find and requires compromise.
In my rental I didn't have a washing machine (no space - I lived in a box) and also didn't have a car spot (dense area....pubs etc....often limited street parking).
Can honestly say I got used to both and was absolutely fine..I liked going to the laundromat. U meet nice people and it's a nice break from being indoors
Kind of like America or other parts of the world...most people live in small or pokey homes so spend time outside of the home..they don't need the best kitchen or washing machine because that's not important to them. A home is somewhere you feel safe.
26-03-2025 03:42 AM
26-03-2025 03:42 AM
makes me think of Judge Judy @EternalFlower she said never cooked and I suspect didnt have food in the house , she ate out every night. bigger spaces tend to get 'filled up' if not used as well.yes I had govt unit in adelaide w brilliant location, could walk to city, buses shops, pool, library all nearby. just the neighbours kept getting swapped for worse ones 10 people having parties in 1 br flats smashing windows etc not sure how I lived there sometimes. ok I was going nuts. was glad to be out of there in the end. left all furniture and whitegoods on footpath, didnt last too long.off street parking is important.washing machine painful not to have but done b4 lol just use tub and wring by hand and hang out lol. yes am lucky. had good aircon here when moved in, but only in lounge. got another one in bedroom now. some most places lived at when younger didnt have aircon or was one tiny unit it one room that made noise as much as anything as was 20 years old lol
I spent years in site vans in caravan parks not so long ago. amazing what you can get used to. re dysfunctional anti social people plus having to pick when you use toilet block else cannot breathe in there due to someone with liver that died 10 years before re horrific smells that would fill huge ventilated area up and just hang there for half an hour or people who miss toilet or do number 2's allover toilet ,anywhere but the bowl..
26-03-2025 08:28 AM
26-03-2025 08:28 AM
@EternalFlower it is great to hear from you after all this time. I am glad you have some friends that visit and at least are able to house sit. Yes prices are through the roof and not getting better. Do what you can by saving.
I am sorry you have experienced a dodgy mental health service who actually asked you to cut off your own supports for their service. That is outrageous. I am getting wary of websites with too many smiling pictures.
Please don't give up hope in yourself and other humans.
Yes it is sad we haven't seen our @tonys in such a while. His health was not good but his spirit was beautiful.
Spirituality is a many and varied field. It has always been important to me but I also need anchors that keep me grounded. I move from seeking and yearning and praying to practical tasks and noticing nature.
I always loved your profile name.
Glad @TAB was around to chat.
There are good people out there and some scammers. No the ED is not a great place to hang out.
It's actually the right time to post for this thread...lol
Good Morning all
@Blackcloud @PeppyPatti @chibam @greenpea @Dimity @Shaz51 @tyme and those reading along...
26-03-2025 09:42 AM
26-03-2025 09:42 AM
..vote #1 @ TAB ..lol
@Appleblossom @EternalFlower @Blackcloud @PeppyPatti lol just got another bite re trainer position after it was re-advertised but this time saying part time maybe an option
just replied trying to say what sticking points to fulltime were without actually naming them.Then in an air of desperation added that govt might pay them '000s well $10,000 cos over 50 apparently to employ me lol @Meowmy @StuF @Glisten
26-03-2025 10:07 AM
26-03-2025 10:07 AM
#Vote1 @TAB brilliant Tabsta!
I got sleep deprivation. Lucky if I can rub two sticks together. Let alone make words.
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