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Something’s not right

Re: My Mosaic

My Pdoc in hospital prescribed it to a few. One of the girls said you just need a letter from the Pdoc saying you are taking it. She has one. Apparently that works but I don’t know. Just something to check @Snowie @Bow @Jynx 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Well my letter about needing consistency and predictability with my support worker did nothing. 😩😢

Re: My Mosaic

oh dear @Bow I am sorry to hear that. I know you really wished for a different outcome.


Is there anything we can do this afternoon to support you?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Aww heck no that sucks so much @Bow!! I'm so sorry to hear it. Do you wanna take us through what happened? When you're ready, and only if you want to revisit it of course. Sending some big hugs darlin 🫂


Re: My Mosaic

Oh @Bow 

I'm so sorry to hear that. Just know we are all here to support you. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

My SW and I went and had a cuppa after I had my bloods done (which by the way my gp just called and they are bad again. Sigh. It’s never ending! Just something else to add to my crummy day😩

They had a meeting this morning about, my SW showed me the reply email from the manager in response to my letter. I don’t really remember what it said, but it did not answer any of my questions really… especially in response to all the research I did that clearly states from a trauma informed mental health perspective consistency and predictable is so vital. And he did not give any rationale around his decision. 
‘Apparently’…. And I say that loosely cause I don’t know how this will work, but I can pick and choose who I want to have support me at appointments, and I can call whoever for a chat, but I’ll still have an allocated SW who will change every 3 months. If I want to chose to have my currently SW accompany me to appointment etc, will she even have time if she has her own other case load??? And if I chose her to do everything and to catch up with then what’s the point of my allocated SW when she does nothing really??? 
It just makes no bloody sense. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Re: My Mosaic

oh @Bow I'm with you, that makes no sense at all. Wouldn't it just put more pressure on the SW that are 'good', that patients like. More and more people will keep contacting them. So some will be flat out and others will have all the time in the world.


Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

SMH @Bow that's so disappointing. If they answered none of your questions, it sounds like they don't want to listen. I'd be tempted to send a follow up email pointing this out, and requesting that they actually take the time to properly read and respond to your letter. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Snowie  I remember that being one of the points in the email response from the manager…. To avoid staff burn out. But it doesn’t make sense…. Cause as you said if the one SW is working with everyone that wants them that will cause burn out! 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah I kinda got the impression that he really wasn’t at all interested in hearing what I had to say @Jynx 

don’t think there would be much point in wasting my time trying to get a better response. It won’t change anything. 

im so devastated. 

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