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Re: My Mosaic

do you sleep on the floor floor or a mattress on the floor @tyme there was a period I slept nearly every night on a spare cot mattress on the floor in one of my kids rooms, true story, also those cot mattresses are like foam so it was basically the floor, @tyme @Bow

Re: My Mosaic

no @tyme don’t do it our middle kid put one of them up his nose
I’m being serious don’t do it lol
Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Oh those things are terrible @tyme ! I used them when my daughter was heaps young. I remember I had them in a big bucket in the kitchen bench soaking, waiting for them to grow big and my d pulled the bucket down on top of her and them balls went rolling ALL through the house. I found some years later when we moved. 

how old are the kids? 
they are heaps fun to play with, can be therapeutic and stuff. But ya gotta be super care around little kids. Yea getting shoved in places they shouldn’t. And also making sure that they are all… ‘grown and expanded’ properly. If a kid swallows an unexpanded one, and it gets lodged somewhere it shouldn’t and then expands it can block passage (airways especially) 

Re: My Mosaic

Totally get it @Bow 

Bed is my safe place too, then the couch.

My psych is always on me about getting up, going for a walk, getting out of the house. I don't think she realises that sometimes just getting from the bed to the couch is an achievement. 



Re: My Mosaic

Very sweet @Bow . I'm glad you were able to make that stand and say she can't stay with you anymore.


I know a boy who is nearly 6 foot and he still sleeps with his mum. The mum doesn't know what to do. The boy is 9.5 years old and super big and tall. He is the only child of a single parent and he has nightmares if he sleeps on his own. In the end, neither the mum or son can sleep well and the mum is at the end of herself. 


I think the boy is getting professional support. I don't think there's any changes though....

Re: My Mosaic

Hahaha @ArraDreaming ! I'm scared of the orbeez then. They have been sitting at my place for over a year. I haven't let the kids open them. @Bow The kids are currently 3, 6, and 8. The little one is the fire cracker. She's a shocker. But she's too cute - and that's the problem.


And @ArraDreaming ... I slept on the floor for nearly 1.5 years... floor floor. No mattress. I actually love sleeping on the floor, but the winter means it's getting too cold for my back and I think it was affecting my arthritis.

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow @tyme our fire cracker is our oldest, he is noisy, never stops talking like ever and thinks he is bear Grylls and Steve Irwin combined, was asleep 5 mins ago but now is walking around saying “nurrr nurrr” with a drill pointing it at different things, it doesn’t have a battery or a drill bit in it) he never is quiet even when sleeping, oddly enough also our most anxious one but when he is in his element aka home and “the wildnerness” as he calls it he thrives
asked me tonight when we are getting a pet pig, I said never, and he said oh I was going to rescue one from that animal place we visited one time, uhhh sorry!? what animal place and no, if I come home one day and there is a pig here… I don’t know what I would do actually
He repeats everything like even the other day when the worker gave me our coffee order he heard what she said and repeated it all day even somehow turned “flat white for arradreaming” into a rap song
He is still saying it

our middle kid is a big soft sweetie would sleep in our bed every night of the week while holding our earlobes if we let him, sensitive as loves cats and wants to be lightening McQueen or mater…

And our little one is a giggler, laughs at everything and I mean everything lol loves the dog, just started crawling and will crawl towards something then look at you and giggle, cutest little muffin
@Bow @tyme

Re: My Mosaic

the oldest kid is so much like me in what he says it’s unbelievable… A PET PIG? Thats the kind of thing I would have done as a kid except I WOILD HAVE ACTUALLY BOUGHT THE PIG HOME! Lol 🤣🤣🤣

Re: My Mosaic

Lol @ArraDreaming .


So cute. 


My eldest here is the sensible one and knows how to hold herself in public, the middle is the mumma's boy - totally sweet, cuddly, neat, and organised; and the last one is a disaster in the making - and love ear lobes.


@Bow Is your D firey? What's her character like? (no need to answer if you don't feel up to it)

Re: My Mosaic

send help here if I ever tell you there’s a pig here @tyme