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Re: My Mosaic

This is approx 9hrs of work. So much still to go- I blurred it twice, hope it’s ok to share 



Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow oh my gosh!! Looks awesome!


I think this one is ok, it's a bit hard to discern much without hair or eyes!! Potentially could be identifying once finished though. 


It does look like it takes a lot of attention to detail, I admire your dedication!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah @Jynx  lotsa attention to detail it’s hard sometimes when the bits are so tiny and I have a bit of a tremor as a side effect of one of my meds… drives me crazy sometimes! 

what you get up to today?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow oh bugger, I have gotten tremors many a times from my anxiety, such a pain!!


Just a chill one so far, managed to get out into the sun earlier for a wee barefoot run, was very nice. Chill one for you as well?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I didn’t have such a good start to the day @Jynx  i have nightmares all the time which I am kinda use to, but sometimes I have one that is a bit more intense and shakes me a fair bit. That was last night. So kinda been a rough day. Can’t shake them images. 
Did manage to get to the shops for a few art supplies and then just back home to paint some. And just finished packing the car for market in the morning. Told mum we are having next weekend off. 

barefoot running? In the grass? 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Ach so rough @Bow 


You know, this is a bit random but I was talking to one of my friends recently about their experiences with medical marijuana. They're using it to help manage their PTSD symptoms, insomnia included, cos apparently it shuts down the REM stage of the sleep cycle. I wonder if that could be something to explore in order to help you manage the nightmares? Apparently it's quite easy to get, you just have to pay for the consultation with the prescribing doctor, and there's options for stuff like cbd oil instead if the effects of the THC are too much. 


In any case, deffs be super gentle with yourself and remind yourself it will fade eventually. 


Aye I love me some barefoot running! Discovered it a couple years back - it's all about letting your body's natural suspension system (the ankles) absorb the shock of running, i.e in shoes I am striking the ground heel first, so that reverberates all up my spine, but hitting toe first cos there's no like, chonky shoe sole in the way, means the shock is absorbed by the action of the ankle bending... did I explain that in a way that made sense? 😅 I've also found that the way I run when unshod feels, idk freer somehow. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

REM is when you dream yeah @Jynx ?  I’ve always been interested in CBD oil. My brother tried, can’t remember how he went with it. And my friend in the UK swears by it. She gave me a CBD bath bomb, it was amazing. I’m just cautious about it coming up in a drug test when driving. I’m sure there is lots of information on it I’d just still worry about it. 

oh that does make sense about the barefoot running. Totally. Do you ever worry about stepping on something yuck or ouch? 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow Yep REM is the dreaming bit. 


Totally understandable concern!! I looked it up for NSW, so seems the illegality is around the THC specifically, not CBD (so the plant has both in it, and THC is the one that produces more of an altered state of consciousness). I'm not sure whether it's CBD or THC (or both) that is involved with dreams though...I mean, could be worth even just making an initial consultation appt to discuss the options and whether or not it would be suitable for your circumstances? 


Haha I have stepped in many a yuck thing and gotten a few ouchies, yes!! I stopped going barefoot to the grocery store after walking through something sticky and then the stickiness picked up all the grime from the store floor... that was gross. The ouchies are actually not as bad, especially once you've built up calluses! I once stepped on a piece of glass and didn't notice it was still stuck in my foot. I walked all around Kmart kinda thinking 'hmm my foot is still hurting a teensy bit, maybe that glass actually got me...' but there was no blood or anything so I just shrugged it off haha. Then I got home and realised - had to dig it out with tweezers, but it still didn't really bleed cos that callus was just too chonky! 


My fav is that I get to spontaneously jump in all the puddles, and sometimes get to squish mud through my toes... it's quite nice 😅

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah when it first came out as being helpful for mental health issues I did look into it a little bit and it’s the THC that affects your driving. And it’s different levels of the THC that are better, but then yeah the driving issues @Jynx 

yeah maybe I could look into it a little more. I think my brother even left some in our fridge last time he was here. I should have a look! 👀 


when I studied psychology at college we learnt all about sleep. And that it takes a certain amount of hours to get into the dream phase. Couple of years later I called BS cause I napped for 1/2hr and I dreamed. I then second guessed everything I learnt those 2 years! 

you go to the shops barefooted too? Do you ever worry about walking through like peoples wee??? Just like on paths and that? I imagine walking through puddles would be nice though.  I don’t think I could do it though. I definitely don’t have calluses to fend off the ouchies! 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow yeah and if it's the THC that helps quell dreaming, it may not be suitable cos I imagine it would be something you take daily. And if driving is needed for your independence and your ability to chauffeur your D around, I can totally understand not wanting to risk it or give it up. The unfortunate thing and the thing that irks me the most is that THC stays in your system much longer than the actual high. What this means is that even if you hadn't had any that day you could still get done for drug driving cos it's still in the system. They need to overhaul the laws on that one. But hey, if there's a chance to do a lil experimenting maybe it'll help you decide whether it's something to investigate further!! 


Ach omg is that the time already!! Wow tonight has flown by. Hope it's been a chill one for you too! Do you have any plans for tomozzle?