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Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow 

Even planning for a trip sounds like fun. Disneyland in Paris sounds like a lot of fun for all of you.


Hopefully the bloods come back with not too much wrong. I know its been a struggle especially with your ED and your mum away.


Spoke to my pdoc today and told him how things are and what I've been doing. Didn't go down well.


Never be sorry for putting yourself first hon. Exactly what you should be doing.

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow just catching up on what I missed last night! 


Totally feel you on it being difficult to ask something like that of your SW. Could this be one of those things you communicate via a written note, or an email? 


As for your good news, WOW!! That is wonderful news. Have you been to the UK before? I'd highly recommend Scotland, if you have time to get up that way!! It's sooooo pretty in the mountains 😍

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah maybe I can write it down @Jynx  and give it to her. Just don’t wanna a nuisance. 

yes, daughter and I went to the UK couple of years back when we did our big trip. Was the main part of us going to London for a wedding. We didn’t see anywhere else,  other than a day trip to Paris . We will be heading out of London this time, going north a bit. Be nice to see some other parts too though. 

had my bloods done this morning, would of swore I would of had a call from my gp by the way I have been treating my body and how I am feeling. But no call. 

just been doing little jobs around the house today. Gave downstairs a good vacuum. Put Lego away. Some plastic vinyl on my new art desk. Need to make a list of other things I wanna get done before mum gets home. 

how are you? Whatcha been up to??

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow gonna make you write lines if you're not careful hun 😝


Asking for my needs to be met does not make me a nuissance.

Asking for my needs to be met does not make me a nuissance.

Asking for my needs to be met does not make me a nuissance.

Asking for my needs to be met does not make me a nuissance.


I am poking fun, I know it's tough, easier said than done to stand up for oneself! But the more we say these things, the more likely they are to take hold in our minds and begin to influence our thinking 😉


Oh yeah you did Disneyland Paris didn't you? Ach... I'm sorry that I don't remember, please keep in mind it is because my ADHD makes it really hard for me to properly store and retrieve my memories, and has nothing to do with how much I care about things people share w me 💜


Do you ever get an odd feeling when you are dreading something (like a phone call from GP) that's kinda like a weird sense of... maybe not disappointment, but feel a bit...deflated when you don't end up getting the call? I think it's cos, just like when we're excited about something, we're putting heaps of energy towards that excitement, so when we're dreading something, same thing right (cos excitement and anxiety light up same parts of the brain). So all of that was just to say, it's okay to feel ooky about no bloods phone call! 


Not much new on my end! I'm off to visit family in NSW again next week (so won't be here! Wow, that snuck up on me how soon it is), helping look after dad while my mum is away on a road trip. Looking forward to some slightly warmer weather and walks along the beach 😊


I'm off to PGC now, so I will say goodnight!! Chat to you next time 💜

Re: My Mosaic

Good afternoon @Bow 

I saw this and thought of you. Can combine your love of lego and your travels coming up! You might already have it 😁

Hoping things are going ok for you.


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Snowie  hope your day has been okish. I’m m ready to go crawl into bed. I’m cold and feeling pretty yuck and crummy. 

I kept myself busy today. Treadmill, vacuuming, 3x loads of washing, washed the dog, spent like 2 hrs trying to put up these mini shelves to put some of my Lego on, but stupid things wouldn’t work. Gonna take a trip to bunnings tomorrow and have a look at what I can find. My CM also stopped by. 
D is at her father’s tomorrow. So my usual shop wandering, will do my nails and see what else I can find to do. 

feeing rather alone at the moment. It’s been a real hard week. I told my CM bits of what has been going on. But she wasn’t overly concerned 😩 I have a lot of episodes of feeling really unwell. But oh well.


how was your day? 

anyone else around???

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow sorry to hear you're not feeling well, the cold weather doesn't help much either 😕


Despite that, you got out of bed and kept yourself busy throughout the day - that's amazing, well done Bow! I remember you mentioning that the nights are bit trickier, I find that being cosy in my bed and listening to an interesting audiobook/podcast helps distract me until I fall asleep, is there something like that that can help you feel a bit calm?


I'm here to listen and chat 💗


P.s. getting your nails done sounds fun! any particular design?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @rav3n  yeah I’ve been sick for going on 6 weeks now. Just an annoying cough that won’t go away and a nose that keeps running. Tail end of whatever I had that’s just gonna keep hanging on.


Once I’ve tucked D into bed I go straight to bed myself. Hmm I might try a podcast tonight. I took some extra prn last night and slept really well. I’d had a few nights of a lot of broken sleep, so last night was much needed. 

I do my own nails. Bit of self care. I got lotsa colours. And I got some new supplies in the post this week, so looking forward to having a play with them. Will see if they work! 

do you have plans for tomorrow?

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow you got lots done today, well done, especially when you aren't feeling well.

Hopefully you can get to bed soon.


I will be in bed very soon also. Not much sleep last night. Looking forward to my pj's and doona!

Lots of snuggles with the dog.

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

oh no, i know what you mean about that persistent cough!! happens to me when i'm sick too, its always the last to leave out of all the symptoms 😢 i drank a lot of ginger & lemon tea, and carried around cough lozenges for weeks, i think they helped.


@Bow glad you slept well last night! hope you sleep well tonight too. 

Wow, so cool that you do your own nails!! My sister started doing her own nails recently too, takes a lot of skill and patience from what I've seen. Would love to see some of your nail work sometime 💅


My plans for tomorrow involve cleaning the house. Going to have some guests over for dinner so just going to help the family prep for that. 😊