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Re: Self Harm Awareness Month- March 2022

@Magpie2 wrote:

I'm also sure you didn't mean to stigmatise by saying 'I'm not a habitual self harmer', but in a thread all about de-stigmatising can I say that distancing ourselves from an identity associated with an action kinda is stigmatising that identity a bit?

Sorry @Magpie2  & everybody else. As you say, no offense was intended, so I'm sorry if I did so. 😬 It's hard to know the linguistic rules some times, bumbling in to a topic you know very little about. I was just trying to convey the pertinant details of my own situation.


@Paperdaisy wrote:

It's interesting you get the impression someone is in control of what they are doing "Like they are in control of their bodies while they do it." I'm wondering if you think the stigma around this is what has lead to that belief?

I'd say it comes down more to the testimony I've heard from people who do it. Maybe my information supply is limited - perhaps deliberately narrowed by the media - but in all the testimony I'd heard, the people who self harmed had their reasons for doing what they did. There was a certain degree of deliberateness in their actions, even if they later regretted those decisions.


This, as opposed to say, someone with Tourette's, who do things they don't want to do, because they can't control their bodies. My experiance was more like that.


@Paperdaisy wrote:

You mentioned you had "given up" in your experience of it and I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, I imagine that was a very difficult place to be in.


I'm wondering how you manage distress tolerance all those other times that you didn't have this one off experience? 

Most of the time, I just sit and stew in polite silence. Or lay in bed till all hours, unable to get to sleep.


The thing about my one-off incident was that I was unintentionally goaded in to it by my therapist (awful woman!) She made some offhand remark about injuring myself during one session, and the next thing I know, that night, I'm self harming. It was like all the horrors of my long treatment had just come to critical mass, and I just flipped my lid and lost my body.


I'm not trying to shift any personal responsibility, but I think it's undeniable that she was the deciding factor in this very unique incident in my life. If I'd never been under her "care", I would never have done it. And with her out of my life, I've never had anything even remotely like that incident occur again.


It was just so out-of-character. I think that's probably what disturbs me most about the whole thing. I've made mistakes before; some really bad ones, too. I can own up to all of that because those decisions/actions were "me". But this incident wasn't "me". It was like my body was hijacked.

Re: Self Harm Awareness Month- March 2022

@chibam it sounds like what should have been a safe and caring relationship wasn't what you experienced and I'm sorry to hear that happened to you. It sounds like you have an understanding of what happened here regarding your SH, and from my understanding recognising the why is an important step to recovery or prevention. Sounds like you are learning to sit with distress and that can be a tool, as we remember that our emotions aren't permanent, but also reframing can be a useful tool in my experience. I have posted a bit about there over here . Thank you for sharing 💝

Re: Self Harm Awareness Month- March 2022

I have posted a little about my tools for distress tolerance over here 

Thank you to everyone who has contributed so thoughtfully to this thread. It's a really important conversation and I thank you for being open in having this discussion here with me 😊

Re: Self Harm Awareness Month- March 2022

@Paperdaisy wrote:

Sounds like you are learning to sit with distress and that can be a tool, as we remember that our emotions aren't permanent, but also reframing can be a useful tool in my experience.

Just to clarify, @Paperdaisy , sometimes people get unhappy just because they are randomly beset by bad emotions; but other times they are unhappy because something in their life is really wrong. And while it may be true in many cases that emotions aren't permanent, in many others, particularly in cases where the unhappiness has a real-world cause, they can be permanent if the real-world crisis is permanent.


That's my situation. Permanent crisis begets permanent misery. I sit and stew when the awfulness of it all pushes to the forefront of my mind; but even when I'm distracted by other things, life is no easier, nor pleasant to endure. My coping with the situation only appeases other people. It does me no favors. And no matter how well I cope through today, tomorrow I'm just gonna wake up in the same old nightmare again. Unless I kick off in my sleep, of course. 😄

Re: Self Harm Awareness Month- March 2022

Thank you for bringing this to the table @chibam you make a really good point. 

Being with distress & people experiences of distress are very different. As well as what may or may not help with that.
And I hear that permanent crisis is what it is currently for you.

Your passion around advocacy has always hit home for me and I really value your own wisdom & takes on these various conversations. 

Re: Self Harm Awareness Month- March 2022

Thanks, @Former-Member 🙂

Re: Self Harm Awareness Month- March 2022

You do make a really good point @chibam and I'm sorry if my comments sounded dismissive, that wasn't my intention at all. Thank you for raising this 😊

Re: Self Harm Awareness Month- March 2022

Thanks, @Paperdaisy . And no offense was taken. 🙂


What you were saying is, I'm sure, true for a great many people. I just thought it was important to note that there are also other versions of the dillemma out there.

Re: Self Harm Awareness Month- March 2022

I've started going to the gym and also doing boxing classes which I love . I try being kind to myself eating by myself . apparently this is a problem people interpret bit as rude .I don't have the capsity to eat at a large table with others for many reasons .




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