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Re: The joy of a messy house is I can’t suicide till it’s clean.

They are a little, thanks @TAB

Re: The joy of a messy house is I can’t suicide till it’s clean.

Well thats something @Former-Member 😀 when I felt like that it went away after a time. Either something good well externally happened like a call or txts from someone or found a different perspective/did something different like going for walks or re revisiting good memories or smiling at the bad stuff .. letting go

Re: The joy of a messy house is I can’t suicide till it’s clean.

Ohhhhhhh @Former-Member, here you are my wonderful friend , HeartHeart

Happy birthday my friend xoxo

Re: The joy of a messy house is I can’t suicide till it’s clean.

Funny that @Former-Member 

I used the "I cant  ... until ... taxes done and oven is clean" for a long time.  It was a deferral mechanism and actually did keep me alive.

It became a bit confronting and so I was glad when oven broke and I had a hole in kitchen.  It was safer knowing there was no oven to clean ... that I might just ... etc etc

At the time, I had no body to talk about my suicidal ideation or proper mental health care. I was very isolated.

Now I have 2 desks that are a bit messy.  Well one is just a stash place and the other sorta tidied yesterday.

I have changed the dialogues in my head and it was really important that I was able to say it all out loud and be taken seriously and not fobbed off.

I love seeing you around, but also know its not good if times are tough.

Take Care Bella


Re: The joy of a messy house is I can’t suicide till it’s clean.



Re: The joy of a messy house is I can’t suicide till it’s clean.

Hello @Former-Member Heart

Re: The joy of a messy house is I can’t suicide till it’s clean.

Cleaning, just lots of cleaning.

Re: The joy of a messy house is I can’t suicide till it’s clean.

I cleaned my house today too @Former-Member  Heart