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Casual Contributor


Have had a rough few months and had a complete panic melt down, had postnatal anxiety diagnosed 5 yrs ago and now have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. I am constantly just leaving in a state of stomach knots.

Have switched medications and now am day 15 of new meds, but just feeling so anxious and overwhelmed crying as I am just so scared to live with these feelings that seem.they will be here forever, I just want to be the mum my children deserve, I have support family doctors ect but I Still feel alone, I fee I am Incovienceing everyone, everyone says to give time for meds to work, I have tried breathing and mindfulness techniques, my counselor is away until late February. I feel I am ever so desperate now 😪 

Senior Contributor

Re: Anxiety



More is made as differentiation grows.

As matter is a differentiation of forces.

And differentiation cannot be quantumed  


Use your energy to pierce nothing. 


We grow as we thread it. 





We are growing as we thread nothing. 

Everything is.




Everything is something.

And we are all piercing nothing. 





It's good you have energy.


Use it to pierce nothing.

Senior Contributor

Re: Anxiety

Hi there @Michelle13 


Welcome to the SANE forums, it's so great to have you here. I'm one of the peer moderators here at SANE.


I can totally relate to those feelings, especially with medication changes. They really do take time to start to work. It can feel like torture though while you are waiting. It doesn't seem fair that sometimes medication can make us feel worse before we feel better. 


While you're waiting for them to work do you have any self-soothing strategies that you could use in times of high anxiety? 


The forums are a great place to make connections with people who will understand and I look forward to seeing your around.


hanami ❤️

Re: Anxiety

I have been trying breathe work and meditation.

I have to return to work in 2 days and that's making me anxious also, I have had 4 weeks off dealing with all of this, I am going back to work on limited days only twice a week.

Doctors and mental health nurses think it will help so I am.trying to stay positive.

The medication change yes has been hard, I find myself just sitting at waiting for the snap and everything comming together. I am also having to take other quick fix meds to get through this also and that's stressful.

I am ready to be healed, I just don't understand why it's not happening yet.


Senior Contributor

Re: Anxiety

It's tough, I hear you! And work would be adding to the stress. I changed meds a few years back and needed 2 weeks off work. Still wasn't ready to return. Sooo hard.


Do you also see a counsellor or psychologist? The medication will help but when our anxiety is so bad we still have change our thought patterns and ways of thinking. It's taken me many years to do this but I chopped and changed psyches too often. 


Hang in there


Re: Anxiety

Hi @Michelle13,

My name is FloatingFeather and I am one of the peer support workers at SANE. My heart goes out to you and I empathise with how you are feeling as I felt very much the same way when i was in my 20s. In my case I couldn't really understand why I was feeling so anxious and teary because on paper it would appear that my life was good but my head wouldn't quit and I couldn't shake the feeling. Everyday I would go to bed hoping tomorrow I would just feel a little better but I didn't happen for a while. My medication took a few weeks to really kick in and for me it was just a slow paced feeling i.e. I didn't feel instantly better, it just happened gradually - little by little I started to feel okay.

That was about 20 years ago now and I haven't ever felt so lost and overwhelmed since. It was one of the hardest times of my life and just reflecting back on it now it makes me a little teary. The good news is a lot of amazing and happy things have happened in my life since all those years ago. Once I found the right medication, professional help and things that helped me cope with those feelings (practicing mindfulness, gratitude, letting go of the worries of things I can't control etc) I started to come through the other-side and began to see the hope and joy of life again.

Being a mum is hard, especially when you are feeling like you do. The best thing you can do for your child/children is take care of yourself and your needs so you can get stronger and be the mum you want to be. Give yourself time, understanding and kindness. Keep reaching out for support and let other people hold you emotionally during this difficult time.

Warm wishes,



Re: Anxiety

Thank you, I am starting to feel a little bit of hope now, I have been a mum for 18 years I have 6 children all boys and they are so amazing and I just want to give them all of me, it's hard being like this and trying to parent, but the older boys who are teens have been very helpful, but guilt kicks in and I feel that they shouldn't be having to do this. But I know I am on a journey of healing, I just am very impatient and needed to be fixed yesterday 😓. I feel I may find this forum somewhat therapeutic for me, my psychologist away for another month and I am hoping that will be a nice and helpful for me also.

I just felt the need to reach out to like minded people who somewhat experienced what I have

Senior Contributor

Re: Anxiety

Oh wow!!! Six boys!!! Boy oh boy lol. I take my hat off to you, What an awesome job you're doing. I've got four kids myself, 2 boys, 2 girls and whenever I feel low I look at how good they've all turned out and feel better. It's HARD work! I really want you to feel like there is hope as I've been where you are and am now in a much better place. Keep reaching out on the forums. Have you had a look at our social spaces here It might be nice to have a look through, especially when you are feeling  at a low point.


Sending hugs


Re: Anxiety

No I haven't looked but everything, and yes I look at them boys and think I have done a great job so far, and will continue to do so. 

I am so ready to come out the otherside of this. I can feel the fight in me, it's just getting to that point.❤️