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Re: Trying to stay Sane

Ohhh my @Anastasia ❤❤❤

Thinking of you lots today 

Hugs @Emelia8 , @WIP , @Faith-and-Hope , @Eve7 ❤❤

Re: Trying to stay Sane

@Anastasia  Yes.  Would love to chat after my appt.  Thanks. Heart

Re: Trying to stay Sane

I'm back @WIP 

phone call was quick and I have emailed my boss as he's online to let him know my intention for today...what time is your appointment hun? I think you said but my brain is foggy 🙂 


Thank you @Shaz51 - on computer so not many emoji's to choose but *big hugs and *grateful smile xox


@Emelia8 in your pocket ready for our day 🙂 toast was yummy, I do enjoy hunny toast as a treat 🙂

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Ahhh, that feels better @Anastasia  My pdoc appt is over and we have officially parted ways!!


I'm not sure how I feel at the moment, cause he was actually really good and supportive during our session today - so much different than how he was last week. I think he's really grateful that I am doing the course and have found a good psychologist at the hospital, and won't be so dependant upon him - that's the feeling I got from him with a few statements he made.


But I'm not going to be dependant upon him at all now, as I'm not seeing him again - he's in my rear view mirror now. 😊


How are you going this morning? Are you going to your parents this arvo?

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Oh @WIP 


*Woot Woot!!!

Literally doing my happy dance.

Rear vision he his indeed *waving goodbye lol - onwards and upwards I say xox

I think it is great you can do your DBT class remotely at your own pace. I am so happy your new team have your back L


Yes I am...I emailed my boss explained the situation and he said what are you doing working...go

So I am doing a couple of urgents then logging off for the day. Will head to their place and join them for lunch as well. Then I will fully understand where he is at/the plan etc


Big hugs to you and Levi xo


Hello also to all

@Shaz51 @Emelia8 @Faith-and-Hope @Eve7 


Re: Trying to stay Sane

Home now...

Feeling emotionally drained. My poor Dad and Mum. We just have to make the most of every day. We have implemented pizza night Friday's starting this week. As my boys may or may not be involved we can then discuss a family meal on a seperate night each week depending on where we are all at. Something to look forward to and treasure. I'm happy about that but feeling very sad today. 

@Emelia8 @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Eve7 @Zoe7 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

So sorry it's at the point you have to make the most of every day 😢 and there's no more treatment. I know how emotionally drained you must feel this afternoon. Have you spoken to your boys yet?

Pizza night or another dinner night is a fabulous tradition to kick start, which will create some beautiful memories @Anastasia 


Love you

L 💞🦋🦋💞

Re: Trying to stay Sane

Thank you @WIP 

One yes, not the other as I haven't seen him. Dad doesn't want them to know it's spread 

Re: Trying to stay Sane

I've been sleeping, and only just woken and read your post @Anastasia 😔💞


Glad you're home and that youve been able to spend some time with your mum and dad today. Emotional exhaustion can hit hard, and it sounds like it has for you. No doubt it has, or will, for your parents as well.


I agree with @WIP  that the implementation of a Friday family pizza night is a lovely idea. And an additional night for anyone who cant make Fridays would also be great.


Its a really tough one isnt it ... having our elderly parents suddenly seem very fragile and mortal. To realise they really wont be around forever.


I suppose with a diagnosis like your Dad has, it gives you a chance to make the most of his remaining time. Where as if someone passes away suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack (for example) there is no chance to spend quality time with them. No opportunity to tell them how much you love them and value them. So if there is a positive to this devastating news ... its that you will have time to do all that.


I hope that doesnt sound flippant? And nor will it diminish your deep sadness.


Big hugs, and big feelings for you right now @Anastasia 😔💔


Emelia 💞

Re: Trying to stay Sane

I'm glad you slept beautiful Em. You must have needed to catch up. No it doesn't sound flippant, I understand. Love and hugs and more hugs @Emelia8