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Looking after ourselves

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hi @Former-Member ,


 how interesting. What does an immunocompromised-friendly wedding entail? Never heard of such a thing. Everyone wears masks? (Iā€™m not trying to sound smart or rude) Iā€™m genuinely curious. I guess if you had the money to spare, $1900 is fine for the experience. However, I can see how pensioners or people on a low income would struggle.


 Yes, $18/kg for kiwi fruit. So I ended up buying 8 for my niece since I promised her. She was crying the other night because she didnā€™t get kiwi. 

anyway, itā€™s fruit. Itā€™s not like sheā€™s asking for lollies.


 Iā€™m wearing my oodie and starting to wind down now. Iā€™ve got church tomorrow morning and a house warming in the evening.


 Forgot to say, I held a friendā€™s newborn today. Heā€™s so so gorgeous!!! Heā€™s 2 weeks old. Makes me clucky lol. Simply too cute.



Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Oh @Jacques @Sophia1 


 is that the history behind Easter and the equinox? 

i taught about equinoxes we have in science last year but Iā€™ve never looked at the history.


 Thanks for sharing the info

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Oh Good One @Shaz51 An Easter Hang Out Space.

What a good idea.

Happy Easter everyone.

At the moment, I'm just hanging out with Pepper Puss.

No-one else is at my place.

It's a Me & the Cats & the Birds weekend....


Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hey there @BPDSurvivor šŸ™‚

I can sit at a table a bit away, but within talking distance, staff wear masks that drop off food (all food is cooked and handled with a high level of sanitary practice in the kitchen to table), they sanitise the table, I clean the cutlery and glass before itā€™s filled, I wear a mask all other times, I get to use a dedicated bathroom (imagine how many germs are in there! Lol), and so on šŸ™‚šŸŒŗ

I wish I had $1900 to spare, but being on the pension, I definitely do not, so Iā€™ll be driving up and back, doing the 7 or so hours in one day. 
Going in a chopper being cheaper is to illustrate how silly that accommodation price is, for a single person in the room, with disability access needs - they assume Iā€™m on ndis with infinite fundingā€¦if that was the case I would take a chopper instead haha šŸ¤­šŸ˜‰

itā€™s really sweet of you to buy kiwi for your niece, and youā€™re right - it is fruit, something every young body needs to grow healthy and strong šŸ’œšŸ™‚


I hope your wind-down this evening and tomorrow goes well, and that sounds absolutely beautiful stealing a snuggle with the new bub! 
brings back that brand new baby smell to my nose, hearing that šŸ„°


I donā€™t have children of my own, but I have raised a few, and that baby smell has never left my nose! šŸ™‚


take good care, and I hope you rest well šŸŒŗ

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Sounds like a good weekend @Adge , to to spend it with us too 


@Jacques , @Former-Member. @BPDSurvivor , @tyme 

Sad when good food have to be dear 

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hi @BPDSurvivor, did you know that walking is the only exercise that also massages all your internal organs while you're doing it? It's the reason why walking is still considered the best exercise of all. Never underestimate it. The others are necessary for muscular and cardiovascular health. However you always need a well balanced diet to support any exercise activity, including walking; everything needs good levels of nourishing food and water, also avoid overexercising, it's dangerous, and makes you weaker.

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!


Happy Easter to all


Have a great day!!


@Shaz51 @Abner @Former-Member @tyme @Adge @BPDSurvivor @Faith-and-Hope @TAB @MDT @Zoe7 @Appleblossom @greenpea @Jacques @outlander 

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

I am having a terrible Easter alone and going through a nasty relationship breakdown and mental health issues again 

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hi @oceangirl  hope you are having a good Easter

Re: EASTER Hang Out Space - All are invited!

Hi @Abner ,


 thanks for that info about exercise. I really need to start doing more exercise. Iā€™m severely overweight and need to start focusing on getting active.


 Iā€™ve been walking every day this week. The problem is, I have arthritis in my feet which slows me right down.


 Any suggestions for other exercises I could do which are off my feet?

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