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Re: anRe: A long rave

@eth tag didn't work Hon but was coming looking for you and found your post ...must have been meant to be Smiley Very Happy I hope your support worker turns up tomorrow and great news about the postiive feedback in response to your poems 👍💖

Re: anRe: A long rave

Which thread did you post it on @outlander ?  you can tag me in anytime.

Re: anRe: A long rave

Hey @Zoe7  and @Maggie   nice to see you in real time.   Hope you've both had smooth days today.  

Re: anRe: A long rave

Good morning @Zoe7 @Maggie @outlander @Former-Member @Judi9877 @Blep @Snowie @MDT @TAB @Appleblossom @Adge @BPDSurvivor @NatureLover @Exoplanet @Shaz51 Hope today has started gently for all and goes to plan smoothly.  Hi @WIP  (this thread is where you'll mostly find me during the week if you want to chat but I've responded to you on the Saturday Soiree - all welcome!!  as well).

So...... I need to do significantly more exercise, but just got my foot pain diagnosed as bursitis or aggravated neuroma or both and have been cautioned against anything more than 15 minutes or so walking.  Not sure what to do that wouldn't involve weight bearing while I'm stuck at home.  Really missing the water tai chi class I used to do twice a week (little gravity so not a problem for my feet).  But can't see forward to when it might be possible to go again.  Any suggestions would be welcome.

Need to book in for x-ray and ultrasound too.

No plans today other than maybe a couple of domestic chores and later a short walk with bro.  Other things I might do is send a couple of poems to the convenors of the writing groups from last week (they asked for them, not sure what they will do with them - some critique would be good tho'), and go through the last 2 months statements from my NDIS plan manager - neither job has to be done today tho'.


Take care and stay kind all xoxo

Re: anRe: A long rave

sorry re foot @eth  doesnt sound like fun. rest and trying to get organised here today, telling self walk soon, made GP appt tomorrow etc did tax yest yay

Re: anRe: A long rave

Hey @TAB  hope you enjoy your day x

Not applicable

Re: anRe: A long rave

Wow @eth., a lot going on for you. I really hope your foot improves. It must be frustrating not being able to do any hydrotherapy right now. Did your treating professional mention if you can use a foot spa or massaging machine? 🦶🏼

Re: anRe: A long rave

Hey @Former-Member  no neither of those have been recommended.  The massage is contra-indicated with bursitis or other inflammation anyway, and the spa I can't afford.  

Have a nice day.

Not applicable

Re: anRe: A long rave

Ok, you too @eth 🌺

Re: anRe: A long rave

Hi @eth  sorry Id gone off for walk , hope you have a good day too Cat Happy