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Re: anRe: A long rave

Hi @Define_normal yeah i dont do movies, games etc @Define_normal  @Adge but would use more data if had smart tv guess  Think was around 70/mth when looking recently poss unlimited think had to pay set up cant remember

Re: anRe: A long rave

Hope it goes smoothly @Adge  and you're not left high and dry between one cutting off and the other starting.  I'm lucky I just use my bro's wifi with the laptop and only use mobile data on the phone.  If you don't use it to watch movies, 2GB goes a very long way.  Is plenty for emails, fb, SANE, and such.

Re: anRe: A long rave

Thanks @eth I only have 500MB (monthly) on my Mobile Phone - so 2GB would be massive (for me).

No I don't use it to watch movies either, so don't need a lot -  though 500MB is nowhere near enough.

Well it's been a nightmare, my 1st day of NBN - with ADSL internet & phone disconnected.

There was no phone line, no phone connection (for hours) - as soon as they switched it over to NBN.

Now I found out (this afternoon) that the only way to have a phone line (make phone work) - is to plug it through the Modem.

So as soon as I switch Modem (Router) off, or there is no power (Blackout) - there is no phone at all (it goes dead).

We have frequent blackouts here - so this is not a good scenarious (it's a bad one).

Plus I cannot use the normal phone connection (in kitchen) now - or any more.

I had two outlet phone sockets, one for the phone (in kitchen), one for internet/ computer (in bedroom).

So I had to bring telephone into bedroom, & find a way of connecting it through the Modem/ Router.

Or else I would have to put the Modem/ Router in kitchen (conected to phone line) - & run a cable from it through the entire house (down main corridor) to computer in bedroom.

Either way, this has been (is) ridiculous - No landline phone whenever there is a Power Outage (Blackout).

No phone in or out, if I switch the Modem/ Router off - I would always switch it off overnight (before this NBN).

I cannot find any Silver Lining in any of this....


Re: anRe: A long rave

My Yoga Academy is closing (shutting down) permanently.

Due to the impact & financial loss, of being forcibly closed for months (no students) - whilst they still had to pay for the lease on the building.

They train Yoga Teachers there (or they did).

I have been doing weekly & twice weekly classes there - for the past 9 years.

I never saw this coming, never imagined it as ever being possible.

Things & people who I value & cherish the most - in fact the only things I had (gone).



Re: anRe: A long rave

@eth 🧡💛💙💚💜

Re: anRe: A long rave

Hearts to you too @Zoe7 


@Adge  really sorry to hear how complicated things have become with getting the NBN on.  I wish I could give you my son-in-law's number - he would have you sorted out swiftly.  Might be worth ringing computer or phone stores to find a techie that can come to the house and sort it better for you.  Very frustrating indeed.  Also really sorry to hear about your yoga place closing down.  You will really miss it I'm sure.  Hope you are able to find somewhere new close to home.  Take care my friend.

Re: anRe: A long rave

Thanks @eth Much appreciated.

I am told that most other people had a technician to install & set up their NBN equipment & connection.

I was clearly expected to do it all by myself - Self-Install they called it.

Somehow I could have got a technician - yet the letter said that they would charge extra for that.

Yoga, yes very sad - I very much wish to continue yoga, yet I need to find & go to classes elsewhere.

Kind regards,


Re: anRe: A long rave

Warm wishes @Adge 

Re: anRe: A long rave

Good morning to all here @Adge @Zoe7 @TAB @Define_normal @Mazarita  and also to those of you who've tagged me recently @WIP  @Judi9877 @Appleblossom @MDT @Shaz51 @Maggie @BPDSurvivor @Blep @Exoplanet   and to anyone else passing here this morning.

I'm not around much during the week at the moment, but will try to reply to all this morning.  

Had a biggish day yesterday taking care of NDIS related admin and making calls to support coordinator and plan manager and contacting both my support workers.  The aims are to sort out invoices going to the right category of my funds, make more funds available for psychology, double my sw hours, and find more activities that I can do while covid is still a factor.  I've decided I will start travelling in sw cars, but sit in the back seat and sanitise etc, shower and change my clothes when I get home.  And I'm also going to try bike riding for extra exercise.  Haven't done it for years. One of my sw's said she's happy to do it with me.  And we have a bike here that can be set up for her.  So sussing out bike path routes etc.   

Had my psychology face-time ap't on Wednesday and she said that I am somewhat regressed re triggers and getting more hypervigilant, both due to covid isolation.  Also talked about psychosis experiences.  We always seem to run out of time quickly tho' it's only 10 mins less than my previous psych would do.  I feel like we're starting big topics each time and leaving lots of loose ends.  But it's early days yet I guess.  


Hope today is a peaceful one for all here and that any plans come to fruition.

Re: anRe: A long rave

Thanks @eth