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Re: Hobbies and Projects

Love the funky socks! @Former-Member 


Such a cool bunny money box @avant-garde can't wait to see how it comes out!

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Bunny Box - 2nd coatBunny Box - 2nd coat


@Ru-bee @Former-Member @Oaktree 


Next I get to do the pouring bit! 

I like aqua and lilac, maybe some cobalt or yellow depending on what my teacher says and how many colours I get to pick

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Re: Hobbies and Projects

@avant-garde loving that purple, I'm so excited to see the finished product 💜 

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Huh @avant-garde ? Purple bunny moneybox???

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Bunny Box - pouring coat (front)Bunny Box - pouring coat (front)


Bunny Box - pouring coat (back)Bunny Box - pouring coat (back)


@tyme @Oaktree @Former-Member @Ru-bee 

Not sure what's next now, except the ear I've been holding

Re: Hobbies and Projects

Yes! I know that it is now! It's like a marbely coat!??? I've seen these before. That's what I thought it was, but I didn't know the process to making them, so I asked @avant-garde 



Re: Hobbies and Projects

Loooove the how the bunny is coming out @avant-garde 


Almost forgot I actually have a finished crafty item to share! I had knit this jumper that just did not fit at all and wasn't made with very nice yarn and I didn't know what to do with it for ages so last night I turned it into a cushion cover!


It's still a bit wonky (I tried to take the photo from the most flattering angle 😂) but I'm just so glad I found a use for it after sitting around for a year

@Oaktree @Former-Member @tyme 

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Re: Hobbies and Projects

@Ru-bee that's awesome. Love how you turned it into something else ❤️

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Re: Hobbies and Projects

@Ru-bee @Oaktree @tyme @avant-garde 


Here is my diamond art that I finished a few months ago. 


Re: Hobbies and Projects

Thanks for sharing @Former-Member ! That looks beautiful! How big is it? 30cm by 30cm or something?


I'd love that for a coaster (smaller of course)