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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

What’s happening @Sunnyside226 ?


How long will you have all the kids for?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Hey @Sunnyside226 ,


You did it correctly in terms of the email. It’s from SANE but signed off by Riverseal.


We appreciate your response.

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Couple of weeks to a month it depends on how the surgery goes @tyme  I need ask you something 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oh! I thought it was only for a week or so! @Sunnyside226 Its even more understandable how stressful things are.


You are doing your best.

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Yes and sorry I didn't reply I was at the shop I am making dinner later with the kids 

Are you free for a chat now @tyme ? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Sure @Sunnyside226 . If you think it'd help.


Otherwise, I'm here until just before 10pm if you need to see to the kids first. I'm mindful that the 6-8pm time slot is a busy time for families with kids.


I'm with my 3 nieces/nephew... School holidays so I'm with them 24/7

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oh how fun you doing anything with the fun? @tyme  I am making dinner but I am still chat if you're free ?  It would do me a good to chat to someone 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Take your time to answer. No rush at all.  @Sunnyside226 


I've travelled interstate with them and as a we will be having an family trip with my parents, my 2 sisters and their families and myself. So it'll be 12 people in total.


We hired a huge house on the river so I'm sure I'll be in the water everyday 🙂


I only talk to and see my parents once a year or something. The kids are very excited.

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

That's so cool  12 people is a lot I wouldn't cope with that many 😂  swimming  everyday to keep cool is a way to go @tyme   you must be very excited to be going?  A house on a river sounds cool  😎  I put the kids love to have you around   do you cool or do anything fun like play games? Go bowling? I was thinking of taking the kids there tomorrow I wouldn't know how I would cope  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Kids love parks @Sunnyside226 . Get a picnic lunch ready, sit there with a mat, put the baby in the pram and go for it lol. 

Cheap and easy to tire them out so they’ll sleep lol