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Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

@_PixieSolstice_  thanks and yeah it is weird they didnt say anything but oh well. i am sorry you are in burn out that is always hard i hope you can get some rest and can take the time to recover. 

Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

I have never been diagnosed but like I have adhd and I keep reading a lot of things about asd that sounds like me but also I don’t know what adhd, autism or just like trauma or something

Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

@tonys @Jacques, I just wanted to make sure you were both aware of this space/ thread exists in case it's ever one you like to be part of or post in ❤️

Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

Thankyou @TideisTurning  for letting me know.  Mate. . .   I'm not actually sure how to find a thread without someone tagging me with a post and then I can reply in that thread.  Couple of tips would be much appreciated.  Their must me a multitude of threads out there that I'm not aware off.

Hope you are well and shining.       Take care and thanks for thinking of us.        ..  tonys

Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

@tonys You can always use the search bar at top of page to find threads about particular topics. Or on the main page you can scroll down to see the different discussion areas (Social Spaces, Our Stories, etc.), and in each of those the threads with most recent activity will be near the top. 


There's some more tips & tricks here, could be useful for you!

Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

Thankyou so much for that  @Jynx    I will have a little play around with that in morning.   Have a bit of a brain injury going on so learning new skill takes a bit,  but with your hot tips I will get there.


Sleep well friend.                tonys..

Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

Hello @Jynx .   Hope its ok if I tap you on the shoulder for another tip.  So .. I got into the search bar and found a thread about writing which looks good. It took me to the very first page and I tried to work my way up to the most current page but their are 293 pages. Cant work out a shortcut to take me to the last post in that thread without going through them one by one.  

Would be most grateful if you could help a simple minded fella with another guiding tip.  

Hope you are well        tonys

Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

Hey @tonys,


I'm sorry you have had to go through the tedious process of scrolling page by page. Your feedback is actually really helpful. I'll note it down as part of our forums co-design.


As for going straight to the last page, you go to the end of the post, and you should see the following:

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 9.03.47 pm.png\

You can click on the last number to get to the last page.


Hope that helps!

Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

@tyme   Thankyou Tyme.   Ok  I clicked on the 293 page and it worked for me..  I'm having a chuckle.                   don't know how I missed it.    Guess I have the tism . . .  and the  THICK  !  

               Best I stay right out of web design,   unless you want a right royal mess. 


              So While I have you,  I noticed that the last entry was over a month ago,    I think,    Does that mean the thread has petered out.  It did seem to have a good following.   

Just looking around for a happy little home, I can put the odd funny farm story in like I used too.

Your help greatly appreciated if you know some happy spot that might suit me..       tonys

Re: Thick with the ‘tism – ASD Social Space

Hey @tonys ,


If a thread hasn't had a post in over a month, it means it's waiting for people like you to revive a little 🙂


You can tag the last contributors there by typing "@" and then clicking on the names in the list. 


That's why we need you @tonys  🙂


I'm so glad I've save you from scrolling through 300 pages 🙂