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Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 aye and then maybe get the psych to ensure there's more tech support next time maybe? Meh just my cranky bum maybe, feeling like these things should be made to be accessible. Anyway, hope the appt goes well regardless of the format!!


Oh that sounds lush, you must be craving it by now ay!!


Haha honestly too much excitement can easily lead to overwhelm! I'm kinda glad I don't have anything coming up that requires lots of planning and logistics. Maybe my next adventure will be a spontaneous one!


I had best say goodnight!! So nice to catch up with ya hun, thanks for the lovely chats tonight! Hope you have a nice sleepies 😊

Re: I can’t cope

I just had a fantastic psych appointment. @Jynx She told me I’m not failing I’m just doing what I’m capable of. I am making some progress but getting up on time in the mornings. Having a shower each day. Also that I’ve walked the dogs once. That I’m achieving some chores of a morning. 


She also said to find what I’m grateful for and just look at the little things. Such as having a roof over my head. 

It’s so nice to be able to have an appointment and feel better when I finish. I had a wave of ease come over me towards the end of the session. She said it was a glimmer. 

I feel a little confident that I am making progress. That it’s ok to be struggling at times. I still have a lot of healing to do. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 how's your day going?


I'm so glad to hear about your psych appointment this morning. It sounds like it's helped you to see your own progress a little better. It can be really hard to notice on our own sometimes because it's not always in a nice straight line, sometimes it gets a bit squiggly, but as long as that line is heading in the right direction then it's still progress!

Re: I can’t cope

It’s going downhill @Ru-bee. I still have things to do but I’ve lost all motivation. 

Im starting to be able to do mornings better. It’s the afternoons that I struggle with. 

I did lay in the sun for a bit this morning. It’s felt good. Now I’m really tired and just want to go to bed. I need to work out my afternoons better. I do do self care but my psych said it’ll take time for the self care to become valuable and natural. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey that's okay @Captain24, it's great that you've got your mornings down! Afternoons might take a bit more time. It's really good that you're doing self care and getting in that habit, and hopefully in time it'll become more natural like your psych said


How are the doggies today? Are they giving you some extra love this afternoon?

Re: I can’t cope

I’m sitting in the lounge watching tv. Both dogs are trying to sit on my lap @Ru-bee.


I have only been home 2 weeks. I still have so much to work through but I need to be kind to myself at the same time. 

I have time to work on getting myself together more. I have 4 weeks until I see my psych. I’d like to be able to show her more improvement. 

Im waiting for my meds to be delivered and then maybe I’ll try and get some other stuff done. If I can just get the floor vacuumed and my work shirts ironed I’ll be happy. 


Re: I can’t cope

Sounds like really good goals @Captain24, both for today and for the next 4 weeks. 


It's also great to see you being gentle with yourself and acknowledging that this all takes time, but it really seems like you're making really good progress 😊



Re: I can’t cope

Apparently if I try and be gentle with myself it will get easier. @Ru-bee. It’s supposed to be like self care the more practice the easier it becomes. 

I actually should have discussed with my

psych what to do with my arvos. I do see my CM next week though so maybe she will help me. 

Re: I can’t cope

Eyyyyy nice @Captain24 I am glad to hear that that's how you felt leaving your session today! Sounds like almost a black n white comparison to your last one.


Got time to kill in the arvos is it? Or does your mood dip or something?

Re: I can’t cope

Totally black and white @Jynx. I’m disappointed that it’s 4 weeks until I can see her again. 

But I really want to work hard for her. I want to learn to get things right. I want to show her what I have done to try and improve myself. She cheers me on. She gets excited when I have shown her something that I’ve gotten better at. 

Yes.. afternoon’s and nights my mood drops rapidly. My doctor did write me scripts today (without an appointment) for the correct meds. 

My mum needs her GP to write a script for her but not sure he will. But she recognised that my meds were more important. That’s huge.