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Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Arrgh @Bow so COOL!! When do you take em to market? Hope they sell like hot cakes!! Soooo pretty 😍


Soz to hear today has been rough, anything you wanna get off your chest? 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

My heads just not a nice place to be today @Jynx lotsa dark mean thoughts rolling around in there. Telling me what I need to do. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

That's no good @Bow - would a distraction help? Remember you don't have to do anything! 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah maybe a distraction is worth a try @Jynx 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow tell me more about the markets you're thinking of selling your art at!


And how's the little one going? 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

It’s a handmade homegrown market @Jynx  mums done it a couple of times with her small business. She’s signed up to do it in April… I of course have to help her cause she don’t drive! So I said yeah we can do it as long as I can have a corner of one of her tables to display some of my stuff. We ummed and ahhhed about just getting a double stall, but we only have one marquee and I don’t wanna make a heap of stock and it not sell. So if I can just do a little bit and see how it goes first. We just have to clear it with the market organisers. A lot of them are fussy. Ya gotta select a category when applying and not sure if you can add something else. Mum does kids and baby clothing and giftware…. Can we stretch the ‘giftware’ to include my art?

She does another monthly market too… hopefully I can steal a bit of table space there too. 

D is going well. Nothing really to report! Just same ol same ol. We are heading outside shortly to see if we can see some lunar eclipse thing that is happening tonight. 

how has your day been?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Oh you absolutely can say it counts as 'giftware' @Bow lol if anyone is actually upset by that, they'd have to be a massive control-freak type person. I reckon you're fine, especially if it isn't actually impeding anyone else or anything like that! 


Oh what? First I'm hearing of this!! How exciting for your little one hehe. I might have to take my dinner break so I can go see if I can see this lunar eclipse too! I do so love astrological events! 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Day has been pretty dull lol @Bow - just got cleaning on the menu for later tonight. Otherwise just been gaming and reading and stuff. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

You make a very good point @Jynx  its giftware and if someone has a point then…. yeah. Thanks


The eclipse thing wasn’t anything to go look at really. We went out to look at it, such a clear night, but couldn’t see the moon. It was rising on the east horizon. D was heaps disappointed cause she loves that stuff. So we jumped in the car and went to find it. Don’t know if we missed or it just nothing special! But the moon was big and bright. 

the cleaning is never ending eh?!

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

You're welcome @Bow 😊


Yeah I went to find it too - but the moon hadn't even risen yet! So I think it was over by the time the moon popped up over the horizon. Daww, ya little one an astronaut in the making? You ever taken her to a local observatory? I really wanna go to the one down here but just keep forgetting about it lol. 


Yep, laundry and dishes and dishes and laundry, forever and ever 🤣