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Re: My Mosaic

Sheā€™s just into so much different stuff about the world around her @Jynx  if something is in the news, sheā€™ll research it. If she reads something, sheā€™ll become obsessed about it for a while. She likes to know why things happen, how things work. Maybe thatā€™s just normal for kids her age? 
She was heaps into tornados for a couple of weeks and I finally found twister on a streaming service and put it on to watch Saturday night, but the opening scene scared her too much! 

yeah there is always something to get done. We had the real estate come to do an inspection last weekā€¦ first one since we have been here- on 3 yrs. And that was only cause they want to put our rent up and we sent them a huge list of things that needed fixing. He was a strange man! 
but our house is nice and clean at the moment. Threw out heaps of junk. Listed stuff to sell on marketplace, did a vinnies run. Felt good. 

I see my pdoc again this week (seen him on Friday). He put me on 2 new meds. He said I have treatment resistant depression. He has a plan B to try stimulants (can I say that?) and then plan C to look into outpatient ECT. He is good, seen him twice now. I think my old pdoc was frustrated and didnā€™t really know what to do with me. 
what do people do when nothing works though? ā€¦. I can pretty much hear you saying not to think or worry about that yet cause we still have 2 options to tryā€¦. But I still worry. 

I also messaged my SW today. That big note I handed her on Friday about the changes they wanna make to SWs itā€™s really been playing on my mind. That I am nuisance and a pain. I asked her if I was being a nuisance and pain. If I was causing problems. And she called me and we talked. But she did not mention anything about that. Maybe she didnt want to cause it was true.

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow I mean, probably? But also, not all kids are given positive feedback to their curiosity, some get shut down and lose that interest. So if your D is exploring topics to the nth degree, and eagerly researching new stuff she learns, it definitely means you're doing it right as a mum! 


Oh nice! Always good when home feels clean and clear. I must remind myself of that when my brain tries to come up with excuses for me not to clean up tonight šŸ˜…


Hmmm what do people do? Find other things to try I guess. Like, now that psychedelic-assisted therapy has been green-lit in Australia, is that something you'd ever consider? I actually did a short course in it, it's an area of passion for me so always happy to discuss it in more detail if you're curious. Like I went all the way to Peru to try plant medicine there, did ayahuasca, definitely changed my life for the better. But now there's more accessible options right here in Aus, like MDMA and Psilocybin


Point being, never give up - there's always other things to try, and way more types of therapeutic intervention than we can name, and not all will be aware of all these diff approaches so like, there's always more to explore. 


I think I already said it but I'll say it again - BY ALL MEANS BE A NUISANCE!! What does it matter if you've slightly irritated someone, if the result is that you get to feel safe, supported, and have consistency in your treating team - which is sooooo important for you! The benefit outweighs the cost by a MILE. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Oh Iā€™m all for her exploring and learning new things cause it usually means that I learn something new too @Jynx 


I heard about that psychedelic treatment options a while back. Iā€™m all for medical cannabis. Which it was more available. Watched an amazing documentary about it couple of years ago. My friend in the UK sent me a CBD bath bomb oh my! I was heaps relaxed and slept well. 
Iā€™d be keen to know. Whatā€™s available? 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Medical cannabis is heaps easy to get onto - though that's here in Vic. Not sure what NSW is like @Bow. I actually recently got approved for it myself! Literally just filled out a questionnaire, paid for a consult, and spoke to someone on the phone about why I thought it could help me. 


I believe that MDMA and psilocybin are the only two that have had their scheduling changed - I did my course through these guys, I think they also offer treatment: Mind Medicine Australia - that page has a contact email at the bottom if you wanna know more. 


One of the most incredible things about psychedelics is that they can vastly increase connectivity and elasticity in the brain. So new ideas, neural pathways, new ways of seeing the world, new ways of understanding ourselves, all become much, much easier. Really helpful in breaking patterns and cycles! 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

How does medical cannabis work with driving @Jynx  like does the THC affect a drug test? 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Aye it is something they cautioned me about @Bow because it can stay in the system for a lot longer than how long it's actually affecting your psyche. I think they're looking to change the laws but as per usual it takes a while. 


They said it can remain in system for like 24 hours or something? I think it's longer the more you use it, too. So if that's a big concern for you, then maybe wait till they change the laws? Though they also told me I could buy drug tests from the pharmacy to check myself before I go driving so that's always an option too. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah thatā€™s really my only concern @Jynx @Iā€™ll wait to see when they change the laws around it.


well my mess have kicked in, so might see if I can sleepā€¦. My left foot is really restless thoughā€¦ get terrible restless legs often, makes sleep difficult. 

thanks for chatting as always and keeping me distracted tonight. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Aww ya poor thing @Bow hope your legs settle so that you can settle hun! Nighty night, catch you next time šŸ’œšŸ«‚

Re: My Mosaic

Good morning @Bow 

Hoping you managed to get some sleep last night and today is a little better.

Sending šŸ’•šŸ’•

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow @Jynx 

Reading about your conversation about medical cannabis was really good.

Last appt. with my pdoc he mentioned about this and sent me some links to have a look at the pros and cons of it.


He mentioned that it can stay in your system for awhile and if you drive it can show up in a drug test. Considering that I need to drive every day to take S to school weighs on my mind alot.


Once again, thanks for the posts.