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Re: My Mosaic

Home from schema group and crawled into bed. Need to feel safe

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Afternoon lovely ones!! @Bow @Snowie @Captain24 😁


Lovely to be back! I'm just slowly catching up on what I've missed but wanted to pop in and say hi 😊

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Gonna tackle hug ya @Jynx  and not let go!

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

EEEE consider me suitably squished @Bow!!  

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

You doing ok @Jynx  friend?? Your time off productive??

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow yeah not too bad, bit tired cos my sleep schedule got all outta whack last week. Ah well, back to routine now so it should sort itself out over the next few days!


I made a start! Took me a while to get going, and I underestimated how big of a job it's going to be. So I'm just trying to do it one section at a time, got my pantry done with a new spice rack and made some space for my sandwich press and blender, which freed up other cupboard space to consolidate more stuff - so it should all start flowing now methinks!! 


How was your week? Saw there's been some changes to your groups and stuff? 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Sounds like you were busy @Jynx  always good feeling getting things organised and tidied. Makes life flow a bit better too. 

Yeah some changes to groups and my support. The organization my SW is with has had a few changes. They didn’t renew one SW contract. Another SW just left and they haven’t replaced him. So my SW caseload has almost doubled. Funding for groups has basically been completely cut too. Only one group I’m interested in now and that’s Wednesday mornings and I see my psych fortnightly. I get a lot of anxiety around the… Urgh don’t know the word, I worry my SW will disappear. 

got a lingering sickness. Chesty cough and sore throat that doesn’t really go anywhere. But then some nights I feel like I’m gonna wake up worse. 

turned up to my schema group last week and was the only one again. But it was on today, just 2 of us though and it was pretty rough…. And kinda get forced to share and told more when there is just the 2 of us. Forced not necessarily a bad thing, probably good for me, but it’s just real bloody hard. Confronting. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow Oh wow yeah, totally understandable to be feeling a bit shaken by the changes, and feel concerned about it all going pear-shaped. Hopefully it won't though! Have you shared with your SW about your concerns?


Oh nooooo that's so rough! And in this bloody cold and wet weather too. Have you needed antibiotics or anything? 


Oh wow good on you! Yeah it would be totally confronting, but yeah it's like you say it is probably good for ya! But you're allowed to resent the process as you go haha, just so long as you stay engaged with it where possible. All progress takes place outside the comfort zone after all! 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Nah haven’t shared with her my concerns @Jynx  ive been on the verge of sharing though, but chicken out. I see her tomorrow  though for a gp appointment… maybe i will bring it up. 

nope, it’s never been bad. More just niggling and annoying and then a bit worse of an evening or overnight, but then wake up feeling okish. Just some cough medicine, pain killers and throat lozenges. Tested negative for covid a couple of times. But yeah, see my gp tomorrow for a new ED plan. I’m sure I’ll mention it, I’ll probably have to wait outside anyways cause I have symptoms. My gp clinic is back to wearing masks too 😩  I’m sure that my lack of intake and result lack of nutrition doesn’t help at all with being well either. All the physical consequences of my ED 😩😩😢


the facilitator are really good. They both picked up on the fact that we were both starting to check out at one point today, so they called for an early break.  What we worked through today was hard, but I think helpful, really helps to understand things. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow yeah see how you go, I mean she can't provide reassurance if she doesn't know what's happening for ya. Hopefully overall it won't end up having too huge an impact on you. 


Aye that makes sense, harder for the immune system to fight off illness ay. Super rough. Well I'mg glad you've got a GP appt and hopefully they can give ya something to speed the process along! 


Yeah for sure, it can be good to have those more intimate sessions sometimes, even with that added layer of anxiety! Glad that it was a lucrative experience, and good on you for rising to the challenge 😁💜