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Re: My Mosaic

Hi @Jynx So good to see you back on here. I hope today is going well for you.


Afternoon @Bow Sounds like a big day for you yesterday. I hope today is working out good for you hon. Sending lots of 💗💗

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Snowie 


@good to hear from you. Yeah yesterday was a big day and today feels like it was too. Seen my gp this morning to renew my ED plan, that’s always a long appointment, lots of questions and lots of triggering measurements. I then had to have bloods done again. And then we went to a zoo with my friend and her granddaughter. It was cold! And the girls had to much energy! 
home now in bed


im glad to read that your psych appointment went ok 

Re: My Mosaic

Wow that was a big day @Bow No wonder you are in bed, I think I would be too!

The more kids do, the more energy they seem to have. Sometimes there is no off button.

Hopefully she is a bit more settled now and goes to bed early tonight.


S went back to school today so back to the norm. 

Got D's boyfriend coming for tea so can't get changed into my pj's yet 😏

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Snowie aww thanks hun! Good to see you too. Today has been ok so far, just wrestling with my sleep schedule atm so got the sleepy brain today 😅


How you travelling this arvo? Aww no Pjs yet, lame! Haha


Howdy @Bow!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

My ED has been feeling really miserable and in a lot of pain at the moment. But I feel so bloody stuck and in an impossible place. And I don’t know what to do about it. It’s embarrassing to talk about. Curled up in bed in pain crying. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow 🫂🫂


It absolutely sucks to be stuck, and doubly so when it's also really difficult to talk about. Sometimes we just gotta hide away and cry, hey.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yep so many tears @Jynx 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow 🥺🥺


As sucky as it is, pls remember this is your body purging stress. Drink some water or if you can chuck down a powerade, even better! I always end up feeling worse after a cry if I don't sufficiently re-hydrate. 


Huggles to you hun 🫂💜

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Need to get some help @Jynx  but i know it’s just a horrible vicious cycle and not an easy fix

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

What sort of help are you meaning here @Bow - like you wanna increase your support, or more like needing help in this moment? 


I mean the only way for things to be different is if we do things differently. Maybe adjusting your support could be helpful, maybe shift some stuff around for ya?