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Re: not coping

thank you @Eve7 Heart

Re: not coping

thank you @Appleblossom

it has been a really big year full of lots of changes. ive had to rise to many challanges at work so i guess the job hasnt been all bad but some days just really makes you question what on earth your doing with life.

Re: not coping

@outlander Keep all the challenges you have risen for and overcome in your back pocket, they can often help in new unique ways.  Sorry the sector is not working out too well for you.  I always knew I could not do disability support work cos of my neck, and my little foray into the Masters was brief, but at least we keep having a go and getting informed,  Needs to pay off in some way. Dont lose hope.  Focus on your own health now.  I know a lot of women who see themselves in carer roles and do not even want full time work.  I am getting to the point where I do not compromise myself for a dollar, but for a long while, like most people I had to s***

k it up and do what was necessary.


I went into CBD today.  Supposed to do a dance workshop as participant for goodwill at an African festival.  The darn train waited on platform and they just kept delaying the time on the board and not even making announcements. I missed "my gig".  never mind it was a charity and I paid already.  Had a couple good chats on way in which helped counteract my annoyance then went to a gallery shop and museum and enjoyed looking at lots of stalls.  Got 2 nostalgic tea towels for 2 girlfriends Chrissy prezzies. 


I also said "no" to the homeless guy getting in my way to buy a meat pie.  He was pretty rude and I no longer feel sorry for everyone on the street.  For 20 years I gave and my son gave, but learning to draw the line. They are a mixed bag like everybody else.


Keep being YOU!

Re: not coping

i love the idea of tea towels for christmas presents @Appleblossom i like the idea of home made gifts.

i remember seeing someone homeless sitting near a small shopping centre but there was an alcohol store so he was sitting directly in front of it and any money he was getting he was going to buy alcohol.
i brought him a pie from the bakery instead.

Re: not coping


That can be a good way to manage it.

Home made gifts are lovely.

Have to get off keyboard my wrists are giving me trouble. Have a bbq.


You have achieved a lot but life is always filled with challenges big and small.

Re: not coping

thanks @Appleblossom

Re: not coping

@Sans911 missing you sis Heart

Re: not coping

I feel really lost at the moment . i dont really know what i should be doing. im struggling to interact with anyone or know what to say.

i have made positive changes to my life like getting a job, going for walks each day and taking time out when i need to as well. im even seeing a psychologist again but i feel like im circling the drain so to speak and feel so lost. i dont really know what to do
Not applicable

Re: not coping

❤️ @outlander, you've shown a lot of determination with working on your MH. But sounds like something is still missing. Wanna talk about it? 

Re: not coping

thanks @Former-Member

ive been working on my mental and my physical health esp over the last few months. i have a new car as well which im really happy with but yeah something is missing.

im trying to focus on the good things and all the better things im doing but i feel like theres a hole there but i dont know what to fill it with.

i am withdrawing alot more as well which is a sign of my depression creeping in but i dont know why