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Re: not coping

@outlander sending lots of love your way hon. Here with you through all of this 💗💗

Re: not coping

@outlander I read your post.

I'm sorry sis but I am here with you. Please know that I care

Re: not coping

Thanks @Snowie
Trying to improve my life but constant reminders of how alone I am. I want to go home but what’s the point in going home when I know what’s waiting for me

Re: not coping

You are so worth it @outlander 

Im sorry you have to go home to that. I,wish it was betyer for you

Re: not coping

I'm hearing both of you @Snowie @outlander - my heart goes out to you.


I hear it feels lonely right now, but please know it wan't always be that way.


HUGS, tyme

Re: not coping

Thanks @Snowie
Doesn’t seem worth it anymore

@tyme it’s been like it for a long timers doesn’t seem to matter how many positive steps I take to improve my life

Re: not coping

Calling in with some love @outlander I really care about you and will wave as I fly over tomorrow on my way south.


you are a very precious person. 💜💜💜🤗💜💜💜

Re: not coping

Hugs @outlander - how much longer do you have of this treatment? (only if you feel able to answer - no pressure)

Re: not coping

Thank you @Eve7

@tyme I can go home tomorrow morning

Re: not coping

@outlander ,


Are you home? How are you going my dear? I'm thinking of you.