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Something’s not right

Re: not coping

Thanks @Jynx my night was ok. I’ve taken to sleeping on the lounge since I’ve been on my own. Doesn’t feel the same in the house. At least in the loungeroom I have 2 of my pets and even though they don’t talk at least they’re living beings I guess

Re: not coping

Hey @outlander ,


Are you still at work? If not, feel free to join us on our Live Sunday Hangout:


It's more a time to hang out with each other. No set questions. Just a place to hang out.

Re: not coping

Hope you are okay @outlander 

Re: not coping

Thanks @tyme I don’t really feel up to those conversations atm but thanks for the invite

Re: not coping

Afternoon @outlander 

Sorry I haven't been around hon. I know things have been hard for you.

I know it's not the same, but I hope you know that we are here for you.

Sending lots of đź’•đź’•your way.


Peer Support Worker

Re: not coping

Pet therapy is a wonderful thing hey @outlander. Hope you're travelling along okay today hun đź’ś

Re: not coping

im going to take a break for a while. things are tough here and im already a burden enough to everyone.
please take care of yourselves everyone and those who may read this

Re: not coping

Hey @outlander 

Taking break is always nice, I just wanted to check-in when you say you are burden enough to everyone. 

How are you feeling right now? 


We are here with you xx

Re: not coping

im safe @Friendlyflutter but after being told by many people the last few days that im selfish and i exhaust people just by being around. im taking abreak from everything for abit to get myself sorted somehow

Re: not coping

I'm sorry @outlander , sounds like you have had people make some unhelpful and unfair remarks. Please don't feel you have to take a break from here if you don't want to. Sometimes having some people to bounce ideas off can help. We're here if you need us.  

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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