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Casual Contributor

Anxiety, panic disorder

This is the 2nd full day I've been home since being released from having a short stay at a facility. I'm having trouble getting back into the swing of things and questioning everything I do. Today I felt the anxiety creeping in and my mind went straight into panic mode and started thinking of all the things I should do. I've always had trouble just sitting with the feelings. Anyway just wanted to share because it's getting me down and making me question everything.


Re: Anxiety, panic disorder

Yes @Ree77 and hi.

I get this too I like lawn care and balcony gardening tho and what do what I can to make simple life to make things make sense to me. 

Re: Anxiety, panic disorder

Hi @Ree77 


Welcome to the forums.


It can definitely take some time to adjust and get back in the swing of things after arriving home, even after a short stay. Be gentle with yourself, and keep reaching out here if it feels helpful, we're here for you.

Re: Anxiety, panic disorder

Thankyou so much

Re: Anxiety, panic disorder

It's just hitting a little harder today, the physical sensations are there and I'm just struggling to have confidence that I'll get through this.

Re: Anxiety, panic disorder

Welcome @Ree77 ,


I'm sorry to hear it feels so tough right now.


We are sitting with you, if that helps.


What is something you enjoy doing that you can busy yourself with?

Re: Anxiety, panic disorder

I've been trying to sort out the Christmas presents I have to wrap, but my bloody mind is just so focussed on the sensations I'm finding it so hard to sit with.

Re: Anxiety, panic disorder

Do you think a break from it will be helpful and then come back to it later @Ree77 ?

Re: Anxiety, panic disorder

Doing that at the minute, hoping it helps a bit. My usual "reaction" is to constraint into full blown panic mode. But really trying hard to change that reaction.

Re: Anxiety, panic disorder

And @Ree77 how are u today?