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Something’s not right

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow , how are you my dear?


What's been happening on your side of the world?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @tyme  


i went out this morning to bunnings and then to the mall. Had a wander around and then came back home. D is at her fathers. I put some shelves up. Then did my nails and now I’m sitting down to watch Netflix and build Lego. 

thr last week or so has been really rough.  

how are you?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I’ve just crawled into bed. I feel incredibly sad and alone tonight. Another week (Friday) and mum will be home. My ED is outrageously loud and demanding. And I got nothing to give. I feel like I have very little hope. I’ve had my meds and I think I’m just gonna sleep. 

Re: My Mosaic

Good evening @Bow ,


We are sorry to hear your ED is very loud. It sounds like it is dominating tonight. Do you think you can be kind to yourself tonight. Maybe it isn't about needing to give anyone anything, but just to look after yourself.


Do you have a wind down routine?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Nah not really @holdinghope5  just gonna put my phone down and quit scrolling and get all snug and warm. I’m getting sleepy, so hopefully I’ll be asleep soon



Re: My Mosaic

Please look after yourself @Bow . Maybe calling and speaking to someone might be helpful too if you feel you need a distraction @Bow 


Do you have friends or people who are close that you can talk to?

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow ,


I was just popping by. It sounds hard today. Will D will staying at her dad's?


You sound like a very handy person in many ways @Bow . You are incredibly talented. If only I had an inkling of your talent!


From your messages above, you must be asleep?? If not, I'm here for a chat 🙂

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @tyme  i know your not around until later in the week but thought I would reply. 

no D is with me. She only does every second Saturday, she’s tried overnighters but comes home late in tears. And then every second Thursday after school. 

I want to redo the little shelves I put up the other day. I don’t like them. Think I’ll go back to bunnings! Make my own shelves and then paint them white. 

im just sitting outside the hospital where my schema group is at. It took A LOT of effort to get here today. Having a really rough day. Scared I’ll cry in session if things get too hard.

anyways, hope you enjoy your few quiet days? 

Re: My Mosaic

Hi @Bow 

Just coming past to say hi, its been a few days.

I hope your group goes ok hon. Well done for leaving the house, that can be so difficult at times.

Sending lots of love and hugs 💕💕

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow just wanted to pop by and say good on you for getting yourself to the group today, I hope it goes well for you



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